The Solent LEP has allocated £5m of Loan funding for applications of between £100,000 and £1,000,000 (or up to 50% of total capital project costs, whichever is the lower), of total capital project costs for projects that achieve one or more of the following:
- Clean growth in the Solent maritime sector;
- The clean recovery and growth of the Solent's visitor, creative or cultural economy;
- The Solent economy's pathway to Net Zero;
- Nature-based solutions to economic and environmental challenges;
- The skills and training that Solent employers need;
- Strengthening the Solent as a hotbed of innovation
This loan fund aims to fuel the recovery and growth of the Solent economy and support an agile economy that is fit for the future.
Applications are open from 18 November 2021 to 14 January 2022.
This webinar will be hosted by Stuart Baker, Assistant Director of Strategy and Programme Development and James Fitzgerald, Corporate Finance Specialist Portsmouth City Council (Accountable Body to Solent LEP), who will introduce the loan fund, the requirements and the application process itself.