As locally based representatives we are dedicated to working collaboratively to ensure that the businesses in our area can secure the advice and support they need to help them at all stages of their development, from start-up to growth, innovation and expansion.
At the session, you can find out more about the support that is available locally for your business.
We can help with general business advice and guidance, providing easy access to council services, finding funding, getting help with recruitment and training, or signposting you to the best placed organisations who can provide you with what you need to take the next step in growing your business and more.
Whether you’re thinking about starting out, are in the early stages of starting-up your business or an existing business, book a 30 minute slot to talk to us about your business and your future plans and let’s work together to get you the help you need and to make your journey as smooth as possible and your business as successful as possible.
Fel cynrychiolwyr lleol, rydym yn ymroddedig i weithio ar y cyd i sicrhau bod busnesau yn ein hardal yn gallu sicrhau'r cyngor a'r gefnogaeth sydd eu hangen arnynt i'w helpu ar bob cam o'u datblygiad, o'r dechrau i dwf, arloesedd ac ehangu.
Yn y sesiwn, gallwch ddarganfod mwy am y gefnogaeth sydd ar gael yn lleol i'ch busnes.
Gallwn helpu gyda chyngor ac arweiniad busnes cyffredinol, darparu mynediad hawdd i wasanaethau'r cyngor, dod o hyd i gyllid, cael help gyda recriwtio a hyfforddiant neu eich cyfeirio at y sefydliadau sydd yn y sefyllfa orau a all roi'r hyn sydd ei angen arnoch i gymryd y cam nesaf wrth dyfu eich busnes a mwy.
P'un a ydych chi'n ystyried dechrau, yn y camau cynnar o gychwyn eich busnes neu fusnes sy'n bodoli eisoes, archebwch slot 30 munud i siarad â ni am eich busnes a'ch cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol a gadewch i ni weithio gyda'n gilydd i gael yr help sydd ei angen arnoch chi ac i wneud eich taith mor esmwyth â phosibl a'ch busnes mor llwyddiannus â phosibl.