Following the interest expressed by our businesses to understand and contribute to the Southend 2050 vision, our June 13th event will have a large focus on Southend 2050 and will be a more consultative session to engage with businesses. More details will follow but given the interest we would encourage businesses to book as soon as possible.
In addition, to our Southend 2050 session we will have a presentation by Chris Brookhouse the Chief Executive of Thames Enterprise Park Limited who recently announced a £8.5m investment in the next stage of land preparation for a new superhub on the site of the old Coryton Oil refinery which is estimated to create approx. 4,500 new jobs.
We have just confirmed that there will also be a presentation promoting the Queens Awards for Enterprise - these are the most prestigious awards for UK businesses, designed to recognise and encourage outstanding achievements in the following categories: Innovation, International Trade, Sustainable Development and Promoting Opportunity. With so many fantastic businesses in Southend on Sea Borough, this will be a great opportunity to see how we can really promote the enterprise being undertaken in Southend.
The Business Briefing will start promptly at 8.30am. However registration will begin from 7.30am, giving you an opportunity to network in our marketplace. The event will finish at 10.00am but there will be further opportunity to network.
If you require any more information please email